Sarah Palin Responds to 'Game Change' - ABC News

Sarah Palin Responds to 'Game Change'

In response to the movie "Game Change" focusing on her historic selection as the GOP vice presidential nominee in the 2008 campaign, Sarah Palin says in an email to ABC News that the film doesn't matter to her.

"I believe my family has the right priorities and knows what really matters," Palin emailed. "For instance, our son called from Afghanistan yesterday and he sounded good, and that's what matters. Being in the good graces of Hollywood's 'Team Obama' isn't top of my list."

Palin's allies  have dismissed "Game Change," which is based on the book that described the former Alaska governor's lurch onto the national stage, as a bundle of lies. Her former aide Jason Recher called it a "false narrative cobbled together by a group of people who simply weren't there."

Randy Scheunemann, who advised Palin during the campaign, said that "to call this movie fiction gives fiction a bad name."

Other aides who worked on the campaign - campaign manager Steven Schmidt and top aide Nicolle Wallace - have said the film is a generally accurate portrayal of Sen. John McCain's selection of Palin, whom they allege was emotionally and intellectually not up for the job.