Bobby Jindal, Pat Toomey and Rick Scott Line Up Behind Romney - ABC News

Bobby Jindal, Pat Toomey and Rick Scott Line Up Behind Romney

WILMINGTON, Del. - With Rick Santorum out of the race, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and several other high ranking Republicans endorsed Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee today, saying that he looks forward to supporting the candidate "in retiring President Obama."

Jindal, who previously backed former presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, endorsed Romney just hours after former Sen. Santorum suspended his presidential campaign.

"I'd also like to congratulate Senator Santorum for running a strong race and for making the difficult decision to step aside at this time," said Jindal. "It's time for all Republicans to focus their energies on the fall campaign which will give Americans a fundamental choice between Obama's lurch toward European style big government and the Republican alternative of a thriving private sector with a smaller government."

Jindal, whose name is already being floated as a potential Vice Presidential candidate, joined several other Republican leaders in endorsing Romney on the same day that Santorum dropped out.

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, who will speak at the same dinner in Chester County, Pennsylvania later this evening, endorsed Romney, urging others to do the same.

"I am proud to endorse Governor Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee for president," he said. "I am confident Gov. Romney will be a great president and will return our country to the conservative principles that make our nation great."

"I also congratulate Senator Santorum on a hard fought primary race. He put up a valiant fight and deserves to be commended for his spirited effort," said Toomey. "Now is the time for conservatives to rally around Gov. Romney and help deliver a victory in Pennsylvania and America this November."

Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who had also not made an endorsement before today, backed Romney not even an hour after Santorum dropped his bid, saying in a statement, "Mitt Romney will be our party's nominee and it is critical that all Republicans coalesce behind Governor Romney and focus on electing him as President so he can put the policies in place to create jobs, turn our economy around and get federal spending under control."