Joe Biden Makes Sign of the Cross in Front of Rabbis - ABC News

Joe Biden Makes Sign of the Cross in Front of Rabbis

Vice President Biden today spoke in Atlanta to The Rabbinical Assembly, an international group of more than 1,600 conservative rabbis.

A moment of levity early on….

The rabbi introducing him says, with Biden standing behind him to his right: "Were Joe Biden not the Vice President of the United States, but still a senator from the state of Delaware, a position that he held with great distinction for 36 years, it would still be a signal…"

At the mention of how long he served in the Senate, Biden makes the sign of the cross on himself - to laughter and applause from the rabbis in the audience.

The rabbi introducing him is confused.  Biden leans in and whispers and explanation as to why everyone's laughing…

The rabbi continues…."I'll try that again. Were he still a senator from the state of Delaware for a long time…"

Laughter, again.

Policy-wise, the Vice President spoke about Israel and Iran…. More to come on that.