The Note's Must-Reads for Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News' Jayce Henderson, Amanda VanAllen and Courtney Mims

PRESIDENT OBAMA ABC News' Matthew Larotonda: " Obama Says 'Pay Attention' to the GOP" President Obama concluded a day of fundraising across two states by telling supporters to "pay attention" to what Republican rivals were offering as contrasts to his policies. "I am telling you, I want you all to pay attention over the next five months and see if they're offering a single thing that they did not try when they were in charge, because you won't see it," he said. LINK

The Washington Post's Karen Tumulty: " Obama campaign's rough patch concerns some Democrats" Is it time for Democrats to panic? That's what a growing number of party loyalists are wondering, amid a rough couple of weeks in which President Obama and his political operation have been buffeted by bad economic news, their own gaffes and signs that the presumed Republican nominee is gaining strength. LINK

Politico's Darren Samuelsohn and Edward-Isaac Dovere: " Democrats want change in Obama's message" Six months ago, President Barack Obama flew to Osawatomie, Kan., to give a speech embracing "a fair shot" for all Americans.Thursday, he'll head to Cleveland for another speech, trying to lay out his economic vision again. The big campaign speech is the latest attempt to get people talking about the president's message. The problem is, more and more Democrats say that message isn't working. LINK

The Hills' Amie Parnes: " President attempts to re-energize campaign with attack on Romney" President Obama tried to re-energize his campaign at a series of fundraisers on Tuesday, swiping his opponent Mitt Romney for running with "the same bad ideas" that brought the economy to "the brink" in 2008. After dealing with a string of bad news in recent days - including dismal unemployment numbers - a combative Obama aimed to regain some of his mojo, going on the offensive while slamming Republicans for creating the economy he inherited. LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: " Obama's complex campaign message poses a challenge" The slogans of both campaigns are simple: "Putting Jobs First" for Mitt Romney, "Forward" for President Obama.But when it comes to the core message that each candidate is trying to get across in TV ads and campaign appearances, Romney has boiled it down to a simple argument. Obama has not. LINK

OBAMA/ROMNEY The New York Daily News' Jonathan Lemire: " President Obama, Mitt Romney campaigns plagued by surprise attacks from supposed allies" With political friends like these, who needs enemies? As the general election season ramps into high gear, the campaigns of both President Obama and Mitt Romney have trotted out a relentless army of surrogates meant to hammer home their candidates' messages.Well, at least that's the plan. LINK

The New York Times' Ashley Parker and Helene Cooper: " 2 Campaigns Chasing Funds at Frantic Pace" President Obama wooed campaign donors in speed-dating fashion on Tuesday, rushing through six fund-raisers in six hours in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Thursday will find him in Manhattan, where he will join Anna Wintour at the home of Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick for a $40,000-a-plate dinner, followed by another high-dollar gathering at the Plaza Hotel. LINK

The Washington Times' Dave Boyer: " Poll: Obama leads Romney in Pa." President Obama holds a six-point lead over Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in Pennsylvania, built on advantages among women and independents, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday. Mr. Obama leads Mr. Romney 46 percent to 40 percent, down from an eight-point margin a month ago in the same survey. LINK

The Boston Globes' Callum Borchers: "Mitt Romney, Barack Obama spend big in Mass." The campaigns of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have paid a combined $45 million to businesses and consultants from Massachusetts, making the Bay State the nation's number one destination for presidential campaign spending by a long shot. Some of the money has merely passed through the state, but even with such payments excluded, expense reports filed with the FEC still show 13 cents of every dollar spent by the two leading presidential candidates has been pumped into the Massachusetts economy. LINK

MITT ROMNEY Bloomberg's Lisa Lerer and Roger Runningen: " Romney Outlines Health-Care Plan As Supreme Court Weighs Law" Mitt Romney pledged to replace the U.S. health-care overhaul with a plan relying on private markets to provide "access to good health care" for every American, as he revived attacks on President Barack Obama's signature achievement that the U.S. Supreme Court is preparing to rule on. LINK

ABC NEWS VIDEO " Romney on Firefighters: 'I'm Not Going to Talk About That'" LINK

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