Scott Brown 'Let America Be America Again' Ad Goes Viral

(Image Credit: Tim Sloan/AFP/Getty Images)

The Web ad that Scott Brown's campaign released his week criticizing his Democratic opponent in the Massachusetts Senate race, Elizabeth Warren, has gone viral. It denounces comments she made in 2011 that have recently resurfaced. The ad, titled "Let America be America," features video of Warren, saying, "there is nobody in this country who got rich on his own."

The comment is similar to the remarks President Obama made at a campaign stop in Virginia this month that have resulted in a barrage of attacks from Republicans. The Brown campaign seized on that barrage with this two-minute and 30-second ad featuring footage of past presidents from both parties talking about free enterprise.

And the ad appears to be getting buzz. It has received more than a quarter-million views since Monday morning, and is trending as the No. 1 spot on YouTube's "News and Politics" category, according to a news release from the Brown campaign.

People who have been watching the Massachusetts Senate race closely might be surprised to see that the ad features a clip from those much-talked-about Obama remarks from a campaign stop in Virginia earlier this month, where Obama said, in part, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

A Republican running in a traditionally Democratic state, Brown has been careful so far not to heap criticism on Obama.

But Brown has said he thinks the president got "bad advice" from Warren. "People should know that professor Warren made her statements over a year ago, they're almost verbatim," Brown said in an interview on "Fox and Friends" earlier this week. "And the president got bad advice from professor Warren, certainly."

It remains to be seen whether high traffic will equal a jump in poll numbers for the Brown campaign. Polls have consistently shown the two candidates in a statistical tie for the past several months.

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