Oh! That Joe! (No. 51 In A Series) - Biden Invites Fireman to WH For Beer, Says 'This is no bulls***' - ABC News

Oh! That Joe! (No. 51 In A Series) - Biden Invites Fireman to WH For Beer, Says 'This is no bulls***'

Editor's note: With campaign season having officially begun, Political Punch - which focuses its coverage on the president, vice president, the Obama campaign, and the Obama administration - is bringing back a popular feature from the 2008 campaign, "Oh! That Joe!", which covers some of the more fun, unique, lovable, cringe-worthy and gaffable comments by Vice President Biden.

SHANKSVILLE, Pa. - Vice President Joe Biden extended an invitation to have beers at the White House to a local volunteer fireman, telling him "This is no bulls***"

The vice president has a tradition of handing out a "challenge coin," which bears the vice presidential seal on it, to members of the military, firefighters and police officers, but there is a set of rules accompanying the coin. If you do not have your coin the next time you see each other, you have to buy the other person a drink.

When Biden stopped at Station 627 of the Shanksville Volunteer Fire Company, he was approached by Brad Shober, who received a challenge coin from the vice president last year. But when Shober pulled out his coin today, Biden, who does not drink, turned up empty handed, prompting the invitation to the White House for beer.

"You got a rain check to come to the White House," Biden said to Shober before turning to his body man, Franny. "Franny, give him your card, where's your card? He is going to call you. This is no bulls***."

Biden looked around after he spoke and someone in the group said, "We forgive your French.

Biden turned to the press, "I didn't know you guys were here."

Just last week, President Obama surprised a firehouse in Norfolk, Virginia with a case of beer that was brewed at the White House, and the president has ramped up his talk about beer in an effort to connect with the middle class.

Biden later spoke to Shober again, assuring him he'd make good on his promise for beer.

"We made the deal right? You're coming down. We're going to work it out, Franny's going to work it out," Biden said.

Watch More Oh! That Joe!