The Funniest Mitt and Ann Romney Interview Ever Involves a George W. Bush Massage

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A round of rapid-fire questions on an upcoming episode of the "Live! With Kelly & Michael" began with Mitt Romney listing his guilty pleasure as "peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk," featured him accidentally suggesting Gene Hackman should play his wife in a movie, Ann's admission that she once saw President George W. Bush getting a massage at the White House, and finally, a pretty remarkable declaration from Romney.
"I'm kind of a Snooki fan," he told co-hosts Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan.
The interview, set to air on Tuesday, should really just be read in it's entirety. Below is a rough transcript.
Michael: What is your guilty pleasure?
Ann: Donuts for me.
Romney: Uh, Peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk.
Kelly: Who would you pick to play each other in the movie?
Romney: Uh, let's see. Let me think about that. For me my favorite actor is Gene Hackman, so I'd like Gene Hackman.
Kelly: You'd like Gene Hackman to play your wife?
Romney: No to play me! Oh to play her? Oh!
Kelly: Is this your first marital fight?
Ann: I bet Gene would really think that would be a great idea.
Romney: You know what was that movie he was in Birdcage when he… [crosstalk] no I think for her maybe Michelle Pfeiffer.
Kelly: That's actually perfect.
Ann: Oh he's made it easy for me, Gene Hackman.
Michael: Alright, favorite football team?
Romney: Sorry about that, Mr. Giants, but for me it's New England patriots. [APPLAUSE]
Kelly: What's the most embarrassing thing besides this show you've ever done?
Romney: I'll tell one of hers…
Ann: We had the unbelievable pleasure of spending the night at the white house and the next morning I was like, exploring everywhere. And I was supposed to be at meetings and Mitt was like Ann you're supposed to go, and I said no, I'm exploring. I went into one door, I was with Anita Perry by the way I'll put blame on her. And Anita and I were like we wonder what's behind this door? It was George Bush having a massage.
Kelly: Which George Bush?
Ann: George W, and he was covered up but I was so embarrassed that the next time I did see him I didn't know what I was going to say to him we were going down the elevator from the White house going to an event together and I walked up to the elevator and am just like blushing, blushing, blushing and he looks at me and he winks as he does and says, 'I look pretty good, don't I.'"
Michael: Does Mitt snore?
Ann: On rare occasions. Rare occasions.
Kelly: Who hogs the blankets?
Romney: No question about that, that's Ann, that's Ann. And she takes a lot more blankets than I do. She has piled up… [inaudible]
Michael: Ann, What does Mitt wear to bed? [LAUGHTER]
Romney: Really? Really?
Michael: I didn't write the question
Romney: I hear the best answer is as little as possible.
Kelly: What's your favorite junk foods?
Ann: [inaudible] I do love donuts, and they love me too.
Romney: Reese's Peanut Butter cups that's not really junk food but that's a favorite.
Ann: That's what Mitt considers a healthy snack.
Michael: If you could go to dinner with anyone who would it be?
Romney: Probably Nelson Mandela, a world hero.
Ann: Mother Theresa. [inaudible] can we go back in history?
What is your biggest pet peeve with each other?
Ann: He doesn't like the way I squeeze the toothpaste. It's just random. It's random. Romney: oh, that's right. She doesn't go from the bottom and work up and she leaves the top off. Kelly: She's busy. She raised your five sons.
Romney: I put up with a lot. Woody Allen said that 95% of history is explained as a man trying to impress a woman. And that's true in my life. My life is trying to impress Ann so I make very little out of the fact that she squeezes the toothpaste from the middle.
Ann: Oh, about Mitt. Let's see. There can only be one? Sometimes it's how often can we keep going over this is a problem or that's a problem. Like, OK, keep looking at the good side.
TV Show?
Romney: Modern family. Ann: Yeah, we love watching.
Kelly: I heard your second favorite was Kelly & Michael. (coughing) I heard that. Maybe it was just in my own head. Do you keep up with the Kardashians?
Ann: Who keeps up with the Kardashians? Who can keep up with the Kardashians?
Michael: Ok the most serious question of all? Honey Boo Boo or Snookie? Kelly: Do you know who either of these are?
Romney: I'm kind of a Snooki fan. Look how tiny she's gotten. She's lost weight. She's energetic. Just her spark-plug personality is kind of fun.
Kelly: There you go. Last one - should I just pick one? Blackberry or iPhone.
Romney: iPhone Ann: iPhone
Kelly: I'm going to pick one more last one. Does Mitt sing in the shower? Ann: No but he sings. We horseback ride, trail ride sometimes. And as soon as he puts his leg over the saddle, sits on that horse, out it belts.
Kelly: Wow - good for you. What's his go-to karaoke song? Ann: Well, it's Western. Especially if we're riding, you know, trails on the mountains.
Romney: Absolutely, absolutely.
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