Liberal Groups Enlist Hollywood Star Power In Attacks Against Mitt Romney - ABC News

Liberal Groups Enlist Hollywood Star Power In Attacks Against Mitt Romney

ABC News' Michael Falcone reports:

With just 22 days to go before Election Day, the stars are coming out to shine. The Hollywood variety, that is.

The Democratic super PAC, American Bridge 21st Century, has teamed up with the Jewish Council for Education and Research to launch a new website,, which says it will spread the "truth" about Mitt Romney through humor. And, separately, the liberal heavy-weight,, released a new television ad featuring actresses Scarlett Johansson, Eva Longoria, and Kerry Washington taking Romney to task on women's issues.

On the newly-created site,, American Bridge and the Jewish Council for Education and Research released their first video on Monday - a monologue by Puerto Rican-American actress Rosie Perez, who offers a tongue-in-cheek (and sometimes crude) interpretation of Romney's hidden-camera comments that, as a presidential candidate, "it would be helpful to be Latino."

The video begins with that clip of Romney, from a private fundraiser in Florida earlier this year, followed by Perez's take:

"Actually, Mitt, that is so true," she says the in two-and-a-half minute spot. "The advantage is obvious. Think of all the Hispanic American presidents - from Jorge Washington to Jorge Bush - uno y dos - and who can forget Presidente Jimmy Smits?"

There's a lot more where that came from.

But Perez finishes the video on a serious note: "The truth is, the reason why Latinos aren't voting for you is because your policies suck. Being Latino wouldn't win you the election, but saying jokingly that you wish you were, might actually lose it for you."

The new site promises more videos before Nov. 6 featuring comedians Sarah Silverman, Lizz Winstead, W. Kamau Bell, Elon James White and Jay Smooth, who, according to the groups, "will tackle Romney's statements on the environment, Medicaid, and other topics." has also enlisted some celebrity help. Johansson, Longoria and Kerry Washington star in a new television ad that hits Romney hard for what group says are his "radical" positions on women's issues. The ad was produced and directed by director Rob Reiner and his wife Michele Reiner.

"He said he'd overturn Roe v. Wade," Washington says of the GOP candidate.

"We have Republicans trying to redefine rape," notes Johansson

"Trying to force women to undergo invasive ultrasounds," Longoria chimes in.

Each of the three actresses end the 30-second spot, which will run nationally and on TV stations in Colorado and Virginia, by urging Americans to vote

"Vote for Barack Obama," says Johansson.