A Closeup of Michelle Obama's New Look

Obama and Inaugural Citizen co-chair David Hall. (@FLOTUS/Twitter)
As Washington prepares for Inauguration Day, first lady Michelle Obama revealed her new do: bangs.
The new haircut was tweeted out from her newly minted official Twitter account, @Flotus.
"Michelle Obama is such a trendsetter in the fashion industry because she manages to be both aspirational and inspirational," said Lori Bergamotto, contributing style editor at Lucky magazine. "She wears high-end designers but, on the flip side, she also wears things that we can all go out and buy them from J-Crew to things at department stores."
Cameras caught more of her new look Thursday night as she entered Washington's Cafe Milano to celebrate her 49th birthday with the president and close friends.
So who's behind the new look?
Johnny Wright.
He's been styling the first lady's tresses since right before they moved into the White House. While he won't reveal Obama's salon secrets, he did offer this take on a previous Obama first-term trim.
"The haircut was not really calculated," Wright said in 2010. "It was something that, you know, I just felt that it would be nice and fresh and it would make her look even more youthful."
The Chicagoan also styled the first lady for the March 2009 Vogue cover titled, "Michelle Obama: The First Lady the World's Been Waiting For." He was also on hand for her official White House portrait.
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Celebrities from Kate Middleton to Beyonce have bought in to the latest bang craze. But stylists insist that this isn't just a trend for younger women.
"I do think cutting bangs will be the next trend in Washington," Lucky magazine's Bergamotto. "Bangs are something that a lot of women over 40 will do instead of getting Botox because it does give a more youthful look and it covers up any wrinkles."
Fashion watchers are braced for the big reveal Monday, Inauguration Day, on what designer she'll be wearing. Obama now has four more years to dazzle Washington with her fashion-forward sense.