Petition Aims to Stop 'Gun Appreciation Day'

As Vice President Joe Biden's working group prepares to deliver gun-control recommendations to the president, a national day to celebrate guns is stirring up controversy.

A coalition of groups will hold a national "Gun Appreciation Day" coinciding with President Obama's inauguration weekend, on Jan. 19. The mishmash of conservatives and gun-rights advocates launched their push on Jan. 7, amidst the broad outcry for added gun-control measures in the wake of the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting on Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14.

Unsurprisingly, the gun day isn't sitting too well with gun-control advocates.

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The liberal group United for Change USA has launched a petition through opposing the day of gun celebration. It reads:

Gun groups are planning to have a National Gun Appreciation Day on January 19th, the same weekend that Americans celebrate the life and service of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., an American leader who was assassinated by a rifle's bullet. This is an outrage and a slap in the face to Americans who value life and freedom!

The petition is to be delivered to National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre; however, the NRA isn't listed as one of Gun Appreciation Day's sponsors, and the day's chief organizer, Larry Ward, told ABC News that NRA is not involved.