Taiwanese Animators Mock China's Air-Defense ID Zone - ABC News

Taiwanese Animators Mock China's Air-Defense ID Zone

China has announced a new airspace identification zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea, demanding aircraft contact China and identify themselves before entering the space. For this it has drawn some international criticism, as the space overlaps with islands claimed and administered by Japan.

Read more: US Military to Continue Flights in Air Defense Zone Claimed by China

The U.S. doesn't like the ADIZ, either, registering complaints through ambassador to China Gary Locke and telling reporters the move will "raise regional tensions and increase the risk of miscalculation, confrontation, and accidents." The U.S. flew two B52 bombers into the space this week-without abiding by the newly announced rules or contacting China beforehand-in an exercise the U.S. government has said was planned before China's announcement.

And so we hear from Taiwanese animators at Next Media Animation, renowned for parody videos mocking current events. Predictably, they don't look too favorably on China's move. Via The Atlantic's James Fallows:

China has vowed it will "adopt defensive emergency measures to respond to aircraft that do not cooperate in the identification or refuse to follow the instructions." In NMA's retelling, it announced emergency measures "in response to aircraft that do not cooperate or refuse to follow its lame and ridiculous instructions, which no one will agree to. China just wants to test the world. Its greed is boundless."