Paul Ryan Implores GOP to Offer a 'Meaningful Choice' in 2016

(Photo Credit: ABC News)
For Rep. Paul Ryan, the lesson of the Republican loss in the 2012 presidential election was the need for the GOP to offer Americans "a meaningful choice" on Election Day, even if he isn't the next Republican presidential candidate.
"This isn't just a 'me' book about me, this is an 'us' book about how America needs to tackle its challenges," Ryan told ABC News' Ann Compton in an interview to promote his new book, "The Way Forward: Renewing the American Idea."
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"Regardless of who runs for what in 2016, this book is meant to offer the country a meaningful choice and an alternative to the path we are on," said Ryan, who has not ruled out a future presidential bid.
The new book, he said, articulates "full-spectrum conservatism" though a mix of step-by-step policy proposals and memoir.
"It's not enough to just to be critical and criticize the president or the left as a conservative," Ryan said. "Show them your ideas. Show them how you would do things different."
In Washington's partisan political climate, Ryan said, leaders of both parties need a change of tone.
"Too many of our politics are based on dividing people. They're based on feeding on darker emotions like fear, envy, anxiety," he said. "We need political leadership that appeals to our better emotions."
The Wisconsin Republican begins a nine-day national book tour Wednesday in Philadelphia. Ryan will reunite with 2012 running-mate Mitt Romney Thursday for a Chicago book signing and discussion.