Mattel's 'Back to the Future' Hoverboard Price Revealed

Image Credit: Mattel
Want a Hoverboard? That will be $120, please.
For " Back to the Future" fanboys and fangirls, the future begins on March 1. The price-point and pre-order dates for Mattel's (non flying) Hoverboard have been set and the plastic plank will set you back a pretty penny. Those who order on Thursday will have to dish out $120 for a neon pink version of what filmmakers in the 1980's considered the future of toys.
No amount of electronic whooshing noises will help the price tag feel any less "heavy," but Mattel is trying to entice buyers by offering a miniature version of the board with each pre-order - you know, for your action figures at home.
Pre-orders begin in just two days and the official website for the board Matty Collector has a countdown clock ticking. Mark that date in your calendar, or on your time machine, whatever gets you there first.