Obama Campaign 'Technology Field Office' Opens in San Francisco

Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
All of the presidential candidates now have technology and social media teams in place, but the Obama campaign today announced plans to one-up the competition.
It has opened a new Technology Field Office in San Francisco.
Instead of using the new office space as a typical campaign office - to make phone calls and hold volunteer training - the office will serve as a place to let supporters with technology skills, of which there are many in the Bay Area, work on digital needs of the campaign.
"We learned from 2008 that using the talents and skills of our supporters was a key to building the most effective organization," campaign Deputy Press Secretary Katie Hogan told ABC News. "Now we're taking the next step by providing tools and space for supporters in the technology community to help the campaign extend our current tools like BarackObama.com and our mobile applications."
Managed by one campaign staffer, techie volunteers will be assigned tasks that are in line with their skill sets, which could include, as Hogan mentioned, website or application coding or social media outreach.
Hogan added that they hope to open more technology field offices in other communities later in the campaign.
The Obama team has already aggressively hit technology mediums, including Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. Two weeks ago Obama even appeared in a Google+ Hangout, where he took questions from viewers.
The 2008 Obama campaign was similarly far ahead on the technology playing field. With the use of text messaging, e-mail and its website, the campaign raised over half a billion dollars online.