Google Doodle, a Music Synthesizer, Pays Tribute to Robert Moog

Image credit: Google
If you were a little less productive at work the day Google had that cool Les Paul Doodle on its homepage - you know, the one that let you record your own guitar riffs - be prepared to lose even more time today.
In celebration of Robert Moog, the musical innovator who would have turned 78 today, Google has dedicated today's Doodle to the inventor of the electronic Moog Synthesizer.
"The new Doodle really came out of the love for what Bob Moog did by creating the Moog synthesizer," Ryan Germick, Google's chief doodler (his real title!), told ABC News.
And the tribute comes in the form of a cool Internet musical instrument on Google's homepage today. As with the Les Paul Doodle, you'll want to have the volume on your computer turned up. When you click the mini-synthesizer's keys you'll hear the sweet sounds of electronic tones. Even sweeter, you can tweak the oscillators and modulation.
"This is our most technically ambitious Doodle yet," Germick said. The chief software engineer of the Moog Doodle, Joey Hurst, even designed it so you can use your keyboard and the number row to play the keys. You can record, play back, and share songs with a link or on Google+.
The Moog Doodle or the Sonic Doodler should be live all day on Google's homepage ( Make some sweet music and share it with us in the comments!