'Memorial Spaceflight' Orbits Remains for $1,995

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If burial or cremation just doesn't seem special enough to honor the death of a loved one, one company is offering the unique option of sending a loved one's remains into space.

The Elysium Space company allows people to send a portion of their loved one's remains into orbit. Customers can deposit a portion of their loved ones' cremated remains in a special capsule which is then sent into space via an Elysium spacecraft for a "memorial spaceflight."

But even after the capsule is sent into orbit, people can "view" the remains by following the rocket's progress via a specially designed app. After a few months the rocket renters the earth's atmosphere and burns up.

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The company was founded by a person with plenty of experience with space missions, Thomas Civeit, who used to work on NASA mission with the Hubble Space Telescope.

While the Elysium company is launching the same week as film with the same name is released, according to the website the name comes from Greek mythology legend about the name of the afterlife.

The Elysium flight may also be one of the cheapest spaceflights available costing $1,995 and available for purchase online.