Dr. Najibah Rehman

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Results 1 - 10 of 11 for byline:Dr. Najibah Rehman
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Women over 65 may benefit from cervical cancer screening, research says
By Dr. Najibah Rehman
March 27, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
Teens using e-cigarettes show evidence of same toxic chemicals as smokers: Study
March 6, 2018 Story from Health by DR. NAJIBAH REHMAN and ANN REYNOLDS , ABC News
Could a pill help with peanut allergies?
By Dr. Najibah Rehman
March 26, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
Obesity epidemic grows in adults; perhaps levels off in youth
By Dr. Najibah Rehman
March 24, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
Suspected opioid overdoses increased 30 percent in one year, CDC report says
The CDC's updated tracking system shows the rise in overdoses.
March 6, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
1 in 3 young adults ride with impaired drivers, according to new study
By Dr. Najibah Rehman
March 20, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
Menopause 'hot flash' medicine could cut symptom by three quarters, trial shows
By Dr. Najibah Rehman
March 14, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
America is on a binge -- 17.5 billion drinks worth: Study
By Dr. Najibah Rehman
March 17, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
Exercise during pregnancy can shorten labor, study finds
By Katie Kindelan and Dr. Najibah Rehman
March 23, 2018 Story from GMA Katie Kindelan, Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
Sleeping in rooms with even a little light can increase risk of depression: Study
The study found that even a little lighting can increase the risk of depression.
March 10, 2018 Story from Health Dr. Najibah Rehman , ABC News
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