Elderly Man Repays Sears For Petty Theft 60 Years Later - ABC News

Elderly Man Repays Sears For Petty Theft 60 Years Later

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A Sears store in Seattle received a pleasant surprise on Monday when an elderly man came into the store carrying an envelope of money, intent on repaying the store for the $20 to $30 he stole from a Sears cash register 60 years ago.

Manager Gary Lorentson of the Sears store said the man’s envelope contained a $100 bill, enough to repay his debt as well as interest that had been building — in the man’s conscience — since he stole the money in the late 1940s.

KING-TV reported that envelope was addressed to “Sears manager” with a note confessing the man’s theft.

The store’s security cameras recorded the man’s visit, but Sears said they do not know his identity and will not release the video. The store reportedly plans to use the money to help needy families this holiday season.

Lorentston said he thinks the man’s conscience “has been bothering him for the past 60 years.”