Black Friday: The Hottest Toys of the Season

It's Black Friday, and that means one thing: shopping.

If you have young children on your shopping list, you might be wondering what to buy them.

Joey Fortman from Toy Insider appeared on "Good Morning America" today to tell you what the hottest toys are this season.

Here are her top toy picks:

The Toys

Babies to Age 3

The Fisher-Price Cruise and Groove Ballapalooza, $69.99. Fortman says the toy has multiple benefits for young children. Being able to grasp and drop the balls helps them develop hand-eye coordination, and the dancing green lights and musical beats stimulate their senses.

Another of Fortman's hot picks for toys in this age group was the Playskool Sesame Street Flying Super Grover 2.0. This superhero toy comes to life for children. It sings songs, says phrases and has special sound effects. It retails for about $29.99

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Ages 3 and Up

Techno Source Kurio 7, $149. The Kurio 7 is a tablet for children, and it allows parents great control over access. Each child can have his or her own age-appropriate user profile. Parents can create up to eight different profiles.

For Little Girls

Tollytots My Magical Wand Cinderella, $49.99. The Magical Wand Cinderella is a beautiful, affordable doll. Wave the magic wand over the doll's chest area and she lights up. She also tells stories. The doll comes with a castle and other items.

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For Little Boys

Spinmaster Air Hogs Battle Tracker, $99.99. One of the most popular toys of the season, the Air Hogs Battle Tracker has a base and shoots missiles at the helicopter. Parents and children can play with it together. Fortman says it's much easier to fly than many remote-control helicopters.

For Big Kids

Yvolution Y-Fliker, $99 and up. If you want to get your children out of the house and get them moving, this may be the toy for you. This three-wheeled scooter works the entire body, and is suitable for older children and even adults. Although it's pricey, it can last for years.