Monday Best Day to Look for a Job - ABC News

Monday Best Day to Look for a Job

New data confirm that what your instinct tells you might be true: Monday is the best day to look for a job.

The study, by, a website matching job-seekers and recruiters, analyzed more than half a million job applications and more than 15 million views of postings on its site. It defined "success" as a job-seeker's moving forward in the hiring process - for example, being invited by an employer to come in for an interview.

The study excludes jobs that don't require resumes, such as ones in agriculture, construction and food service, senior analyst Jacob Bollinger says. Excluding those, he adds,'s listings are a representative sample of up to 80 percent of all jobs in the United States. The median pay for jobs on the site is $58,000, compared with the U.S. Census Bureau median of $51,017.

The site's data show that 30 percent of people who apply for a job on Mondays advance to the next stage of the hiring process. That's better than the success rate for any other day. Saturdays are the least successful day, when only 14 percent of applicants advance.

Most job-seekers apply on Tuesdays (37 percent), but only 20 percent of them succeed. Saturday, with the lowest number of applicants (about 5 percent), is also the worst day to apply, with a success rate of only 14 percent. says its findings don't explain why Monday seekers do best, simply confirming that they do.

Applications that come in on a Monday might be less likely to be overlooked than ones that come in later in the week, as resumes pile up on hiring managers' desks, Bollinger notes. Then, too, it's possible that Monday applicants might be more eager, go-getting people.