Rice-a-Roadie: Whole Foods Market CEO's Recipe Secrets

I bet you didn't know Whole Foods Market co-founder and co-CEO John Mackey travels with a rice cooker. And get this: it's not to make rice for dinner. It's actually to make his favorite healthy morning oatmeal. With more than 60 percent of American adults overweight, Mackey says he's part of the solution.

He joined Rebecca Jarvis, ABC's chief business and economics correspondent, on "Real Biz" to squash the excuse that eating healthy is too expensive and takes too much time.

And Mackey debunked some healthy eating myths your mom had wrong. For example, he says you can cook without olive oil; instead sauté with vegetable stock.

Here are some simple, affordable tips to eat healthy

  1. Get your fats from whole, unprocessed sources like nuts, seeds and avocados
  2. It's just as easy to grab an apple as it is a donut
  3. Use natural sweeteners like dates and fresh/dried fruits instead of refined sugar
  4. Beans are an awesome and affordable source of protein and fiber
  5. Get in the kitchen-if you want to eat healthy, you need to cook

Here's how to make Mackey's favorite breakfast recipe for the road, "Steel-cut Oats:"

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(Credit: Whole Foods)


1/3 cup steel-cut oats

2/3 cup of water

Rice cooker

Almond Milk


Various Berries

Banana optional


Soak 1/3 cup of steel cut oats with 2/3 cup of water overnight. A rice cooker will make perfect oats every time because it will shut off when the water has been absorbed. If you don't have a rice cooker you can use a pot. The next morning add almond milk until it gets to the consistency you like. If you like it thick, add less milk. Then finish by sprinkling raisins, various berries, and maybe a banana. This fruit is an excellent source of potassium, Vitamin C and B6.

Let us know your favorite healthy meal on the run. Tweet us at @nsawyertv @RealBizwithRJ @Rebeccajarvis