Jolie and Sandler Bear Brunt of Latest Sony Email Leak

Entertainment and electronics company Sony has apparently suffered yet another leak of internal emails.

Emails reportedly hacked and leaked claimed to show a top producer criticizing Angelina Jolie's talent and ego; employees bashing Adam Sandler's movies; and a talent manager flattering Leonardo DiCaprio in an apparent attempt to try to woo him into playing a part in a major motion picture.

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In a statement to ABC News today, Sony said it had an "enormously successful partnership" with Sandler and intended to be in business with him "forever."

Sony also said, "We don't know where those comments came from or who said them. We have Pixels, Hotel T, the Grown Ups franchise, Paul Blart and several TV series on the air. We are in no way backing off of our relationship with Adam Sandler, which is both creatively fertile and quite profitable for the studio."

(Photo Credit: Brendon Thorne/Getty Images)

The leak comes after hackers leaked copies of films like "Annie" and Brad Pitt's "Fury" in November.

"It's truly a digital-era disaster," said Brent Lang, a senior film and media reporter at Variety. "And it's one that shows no signs of stopping."

The FBI is still investigating who is behind the cyberwar and whether it could be North Korea's retaliation for the upcoming Sony movie " The Interview" and its plot to assassinate Kim Jong Un.

Hackers calling themselves the Guardians of Peace also reportedly accessed directors and actors' phone numbers, email addresses, Social Security numbers and even aliases they've used to protect their privacy.

So far, Sony has been losing millions from pirated copies of the movies.

"Sony definitely can bounce back from this," Lang said. "It's going to take time. It's not just going to take months. It may take years."

"The Interview" is still slated to premiere in Los Angeles Thursday.