Watch Kate Gosselin Unravel Over Pizza Slice in Final Season of ‘Kate Plus 8'



TLC has cancelled Kate Gosselin’s show but the latest episode of the final season has a nice three way cat fight between Kate, her best friend Jamie and the brood’s nanny Ashley — over a slice of pizza.

On a trip to the Grand Canyon, a visably angry Kate says a slice of leftover pizza that was  meant to be saved for her rumored boyfriend and bodyguard, Steve,  was taken from him by the kids and Jamie and Ashley.  Kate says Steve deserves the slice because “he reserved it last night. Hand it over. You guys can eat salads. Give him his pizza. That was rude.”

Ashley, the nanny,  is having none of it. “I’m more than happy to leave right now. Pizza is not a friggin’ big deal. I am sick of your dramatic(s),” Ashley says.  Jamie proceeds to rub it in by saying that Kate’s eight kids have “all the pizza and french fries” on their bus which sends Kate into a fit.

When Kate’s friends finally relent,  Kate again freaks out because one of Kate’s children passes the unwrapped slice with her bare hands through the bus window.  Kate is, of course, a professed germa-phobe.