Torso Recovered in London Canal May Be That of Missing British Actress Gemma McCluskie - ABC News

Torso Recovered in London Canal May Be That of Missing British Actress Gemma McCluskie

Gemma McCluskie. Image credit: Zuma

The torso London police found in a canal may be that of missing British TV actress Gemma McCluskie, and her older brother has been arrested, according to reports in the British media.

McCluskie, who had appeared in the popular series "EastEnders," went missing March 1.

Police have not confirmed the identity of the victim or the man they arrested, but various media outlets, including the BBC and Sky News, say authorities know the victim's identity but are waiting for confirmation.

The woman's friends had been appealing through social media for tips to help track her down.

McCluskie's brother, 35-year-old Tony, was arrested today, according to media reports citing unnamed sources.  During previous search efforts he had told the press that his sister's disappearance was out of character.

"We are going out of our mind with worry," he said, according to the Daily Mail. "She is a bubbly, outgoing, strong and independent woman."

Police made the gruesome discovery after being alerted to something suspicious floating in the canal.