Madonna Back on Twitter - ABC News

Madonna Back on Twitter

Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images

On Wednesday evening, Madonna took her second trip to Twitterville to celebrate scoring her eighth number-one album on the Billboard 200 chart with MDNA.

The album sold 359,000 copies during its first week of release, the most successful debut for an album so far this year - and Madge's fifth consecutive chart-topping studio album.

It was an accomplishment that Madonna apparently learned of at a surprise party in her honor before the Twitter event Wednesday evening. "I swear I didn't know," Madge tweeted. "I walked into rehearsal with 100 balloons and was confused. The thrill of being #1 never goes away."

Again, her fans, both famous and not, flooded her handle @MadonnaMDNAday and the hashtag #AskMadonna for a chance to talk to the pop icon. And again, the questions ranged from the everyday to the existential.

More celebrities interacted with Madonna this time around, including Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Britney Spears.

Katy Perry asked her, "Which evolution of you in your career has been your favorite/most fulfilling, besides the present?" Madonna replied, "Ray of Light. That was a good moment. I wanna see you in the front row somewhere this year. okay?"

Britney congratulated Madonna, saying, "love the new album - every single song is incredible. congrats girl!" and Madonna left fans' tongues wagging by responding, "please come on stage and kiss me again. I miss you!!" Brit responded, "Tempting."

Another spicy exchange was between Madonna and Lionel Richie, whose compilation album Tuskegee reached #2 on the Billboard 200 chart, debuting right under Madonna. "There is no one I would rather be on top with. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you," Richie tweeted. "OK, but as long as I'm on top," Madonna quipped. "I wouldn't have it any other way!!" Richie said. "Smart man," Madge responded.

Madonna also pitched a famous recording artist for her upcoming concerts, telling Skrillex, "I worship you. Why won't you open up for one of my shows?"

Other random responses from Madonna to non-celebrity fan questions:

Q: Would you ever consider hosting "Saturday Night Live?" A: "FOR SURE. I'm gagging to do it. I'm obsessed with Kristen Wiig and @AndySamberg. I want to do a skit with Kristen and Lola."

Q: What was the first record you bought?? A: "David Bowie - Aladdin Sane."

Q: Did you contact Tarantino [About directing her "Gang Bang" video]? A: "He's shooting a movie til June. That's no excuse. I'm still waiting for his call."

Q: [What's your] favorite Easter candy? A: "Cadbury Creme Eggs. Don't get me started they are so good."