Movie Review: 'Sound of My Voice'

In "Sound of My Voice," Brit Marling stars as Maggie, a cult leader who claims to be from the not-so-distant future.  Peter (Christopher Denham) is a budding investigative journalist who enlists his girlfriend Lorna (Nicole Vicius) to infiltrate Maggie's cult.  Using a camera hidden in Lorna's glasses, they want to record what happens in the basement where Maggie, dressed in a white robe, holds court, warning of and "preparing" her minions for their post-apocalyptic future.

"Sound of My Voice" is one of two movies Marling co-wrote and in which she stars that were featured in last year's Sundance Film Festival. The other is "Another Earth," a wonderful, compelling, low-budget sci-fi film worth checking out if you haven't already.  With the equally low-budget "Sound of My Voice," Marling and co-writer Zal Batmanglij again prove that less is so much more. There are no special effects, no timeworn movie gimmicks or intrusive musical score used to build tension.  Instead, riveting storytelling through excellent writing does the job, supported by creative camera work and exceptional performances from the three main players. "Sound of My Voice" screams brilliance, a thriller that defies convention and leaves you questioning everything you just saw.

Four-and-a-half out of five stars.