Designer Karl Lagerfeld Spoils Cat Choupette With Two Maids, iPad - ABC News

Designer Karl Lagerfeld Spoils Cat Choupette With Two Maids, iPad

With that signature white coif and black sunglasses, the world knows designer Karl Lagerfeld as the force and face of the fashion house Chanel. But there's a softer side to him. Behind that sometimes tough exterior, the designer is a hardcore cat lover.

Lagerfeld gushed about his precious feline, a Siamese cat named Choupette, in an interview with WWD, calling the kitten a "famous beauty" and a "kept woman."

French model Baptiste Giabiconi asked Lagerfeld to babysit the feline for two weeks around Christmas, Lagerfeld told WWD, but Choupette was "too cute" so he "refused to give her back."

Since then, the 9-month-old cat has become the apple of his eye and has been treated to a life of luxury. Lagerfeld has seen to it that Choupette is "beyond spoiled."

The cat takes her meals at the table with him, sleeps under a pillow and plays with an iPad. (So much for catnip and scratching posts). Lagerfeld tweeted a photo of Choupette playing with an iPad last month, with the caption, "iPet."

credit: Twitter/@KarlLagerfeld

That's not all though. The cat has two maids who tend to her night and day and document her daily life in a diary of sorts for Lagerfeld.

"When I am not there, the maids take down, in little books, everything she did, from what she ate, to how she behaved, if she was tired, and if she wasn't sleeping," he told WWD. "In the nine months, we already have almost 600 pages. … I think it could be funny to make a little book of Choupette's diary."

Others have apparently taken a liking to Choupette. She now has a Twitter account of her own, @ChoupettesDiary, though it's not verified, and "she" has been tweeting up a storm since Wednesday, staring with "I, Choupette, am Lagerfeld's true muse," and, "Chanel is my catnip. I dare u to look as cute rolling around in couture as I can."

Another tweet reads: "In my 9 months I have pawed at more Chanel than most women will see in a lifetime. I bask in your envy."