Little People Have Big Beef with 'Snow White and the Huntsman'

Credit: Rhythm & Hues/Universal Pictures.

The new film "Snow White and the Huntsman" is a fresh twist on the "Snow White" legend, and in the movie, as in its literary source material, Snow White is aided by seven dwarfs.

However, taking a cue from "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, which used digital and other effects to make actors like Elijah Wood look like a four foot tall Hobbit, the filmmakers behind "Huntsman" have used mainstream actors to play the dwarfs."Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" star Bob Hoskins, "Shaun of the Dead's" Nick Frost, and "Deadwood's" Ian McShane are among the Hollywood stars playing the seven "dwarfs" instead of actual dwarfs, and this isn't sitting well with some little performers, who were relegated to stand-in work.

A representative with the Little People of America told that the movie industry should be actively casting little people, saying, "This means both casting people with dwarfism as characters that were specifically written to be played by little people … and other roles that would be open to people of short stature."