'Mad Men' Actor Discusses the Shocking End to His Character's Run

Credit: AMC.

Last Sunday's episode of "Mad Men" had a surprising twist, when - spoiler alert for those of you who haven't seen it yet - Lane Pryce, one of the partners of the advertising firm at the center of the AMC drama, committed suicide.

Jared Harris, the British actor who played Pryce, says he was depressed when he learned of his character's fate. He told ABC News Radio, "It depressed me for about a couple of weeks, and then you get your head around the fact that this is really happening, and you want to do a good job, you make the most of the experience while you still have some of it left to experience."

Harris jokes that he's come up with a way for him to return to the show, and that he's presented the idea to series creator Matthew Weiner. He says, "From a humorous point of view, I pitched him the idea that Lane Pryce has a gay brother called Blaine Pryce. And I could back as a twin, I could come back as Blaine Pryce."

The season finale of "Mad Men" airs this Sunday, but Harris refuses to dish any dirt on the episode, saying of his former bosses, "They can't punish me anymore (laughs) because I'm not working for them, but … I respect that process and they want it to be a surprise when people see it."

But in an interview with The Daily, Harris let slip that Elisabeth Moss, who plays Peggy, may have gotten the ax as well. Asked whether the crew threw him a party to celebrate his last episode, Harris said no, and added, "Also other people had left the show that had been there since the beginning. Elisabeth [Moss] left the episode before and she'd been there since the beginning."