Chicago Bar Mitzvah Boy Shaun Sperling Strikes a Pose as Madonna

Shaun Sperling, a Chicago attorney, found the perfect way to "express himself" at his epic Madonna-themed Bar Mitzvah celebration back in 1992.

"Oh my gosh. I remember it like it was yesterday. My sister and I practiced every day after school. It was probably months, which is ridiculous because I do the same move over and over. But we practiced a lot," Sperling told ABC News.

Sperling, then 13, can be seen in the video boldly breaking it down on the dance floor to Madonna's "Vogue," even donning the material girl's image spray-painted on the back of his dress shirt.

When asked why his sister wasn't allowed to join him in the performance, he replied, "It was my moment to shine." And indeed, he did.

Sadly, the Madonna shirt wasn't preserved through the years as well as the video was.

"Everyone wants this shirt. Unfortunately, it was destroyed. Somehow it got lost. But I'm going to have it redone because it's just too good," Sperling said. "We gave away t-shirts to the kids at the Bar Mitzvah that said, 'I Vogued with Shaun at Shaun's Bar Mitzvah.'"

Now, 20 years later, Sperling has posted the hilarious video to YouTube for everyone's enjoyment, and instantly become an Internet sensation.

Originally uploaded Aug. 10, the video already has more than 82,000 views and growing.

Sperling said he remembers the exact moment he became a Madonna fan, and knew he wanted his Bar Mitzvah to reflect what he "was into at the time."

"I first fell in love with Madonna watching 'Good Morning America' in 1990 during the Blond Ambition tour. It was so strong. I think it was the message. To express yourself. At a really young age I really connected with that," said Sperling.

Sperling said he is grateful for all the positive feedback he is receiving. And looking back 20 years later, realizes what an important message the video sends.

"At that time I was struggling with my own sexual orientation and trying to figure it out, and here was someone saying it's fine to express yourself," Sperling said.

And YouTube users that have seen the video tend to agree.

"I hope my sons grow up to be this awesome," said one YouTube user.

"Entering manhood in the best way, by being true to himself :) great video!" said another.

"I think what touches people is the way that I was myself at 13. Who I am now is exactly who I was at 13. It's touching to see the support I had in my life," Sperling said.

He credits his accomplishments in life to his parents, who were always open and loving, even when it came to wanting an entire Bar Mitzvah based on Madonna.

"They accepted me absolutely for who I was. Two years later I came out and they were shocked, which is crazy after you watch that video. But it was them supporting me and letting me be exactly who I was, no matter my sexual orientation or what I liked," Sperling said.

"They just wanted to celebrate me. I'm very lucky."