Rihanna Reveals She Hasn't Been on a Date in Two Years - ABC News

Rihanna Reveals She Hasn't Been on a Date in Two Years

For anyone who'd like a date with Rihanna, it's as simple as asking her out.


In the November issue of Vogue, the pop star opens up: "I have not been on a date in forever," she said. "Like two years. Haven't gone to the movies, to dinner. Zero."

"I would love to go on a date," she said. "You don't think that? I'm a woman. A young woman, vibrant, and I love to have fun."

The star said the reason she's been dateless is because no one has asked.

"Seriously, all I want is a guy to take me out and make me laugh for a good hour and take my a** back home," she said. "He doesn't even have to come up. All I want is a conversation for an hour."

But she's not jumping into anything just yet. The "We Found Love" singer said she is waiting for someone who is "ballsy enough to deal with me."

And no recent Rihanna interview is complete without a Chris Brown mention. Rihanna hinted that the fans may be more attached to her history with her ex-boyfriend than to the pop star herself.

"To the world, I feel like there's no closure," she said. "There's some obsession that's continued even throughout when we weren't friends or couldn't be friends at all. Hated each other. The world hasn't let go. They haven't seen any progress in our friendship, because they don't see anything, really, besides the song."

She confirmed that she and Brown are friendly and that their collaboration on her song "Birthday Cake" last summer was her idea. Some fans objected that Rihanna would work with the man who assaulted her in 2009.

"They're not on the inside," she said. "They can't see what I see, unless they're sitting in my point of view. I guess I'll learn to accept that."