'Teen Mom' Star Farrah Abraham Waxes 3-Year-Old's Eyebrows

Credit: @F1abraham/Twitter.
" Teen Mom" star Farrah Abraham had a dilemma. To wax or not to wax? But the decision didn't involve her body hair - she was talking about her 3-year-old daughter.
In a blog on Sulia.com, the 20-year-old MTV star recounted her decision to wax her toddler Sophia's unibrow.
"Recently I could not ignore it, like I know I've seen madonna's duaghter have a stand out uni brow, I remember when I was little I had a unibrow, but I couldn't remember if there was an age limit, a rule!" she wrote.
Abraham, who has had a breast augmentation, a chin implant and rhinoplasty, finally decided the waxing had to be done.
"So here I am faced with a standout historical moment in motherhood when I can confirm to myself that my little, adorable,most cuddle-able cutie, baby girl has a Unibrow :( , I felt bad for her, and I started asking friends…. is this hair just going to fall out… is it just hormones at this age?, well the hair didn't go away and others started saying it was here to stay."
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Abraham said she told her daughter about the unibrow and waxed her own brows to show Sophia how it's done.
"So I tryed to wax her, the second a dab hit the Uni, she touch it with the towel she had in her hand, UHHH so now, wax was in the towel, and I yanked it back ASAP, but fuzz was not stuck to the wax stuck to her Uni, OMG moment, So now sophia was freaking out, so I had to act like it was a cool science project to get the wax off," Abraham said.
Sophia then fell asleep, Abraham said, so she used tweezers to remove the rest.
"The next morning I showed her and told her how well she did and she didn't even know, She was more intrigued now to be ok with upkeeping her non-unibrow. I could tell she was proud," Abraham said, adding that she felt like a good mom.
Fans were outraged by the post.
"Farrah, this truly appalls me! What were you thinking waxing and tweezing a 3 year olds monobrow!!! How irresponsible," one person commented. "Did you not recently say you think people should be natural? Yet at 3 you are already teaching Sophia to be self conscious. She's 3…. A bit of extra hair doesn't matter."
"That poor baby….," another wrote.
Requests for comment from MTV and Abraham were not immediately returned.