Jay Z Talks New Album, Favorite Cereal and Miley Cyrus in Twitter Chat

(Photo credit: FilmMagic)
Less than 24 hours before the release of of his new album, "Magna Carta Holy Grail," Jay Z took to Twitter to answer a few personal questions from his fans - and many of them, he said, cracked him up. "#mylaugh" became the tagline for many of his responses, a nod to the rapper's famous chuckle.
Here are a few of our favorite responses - ranging from his cereal of choice (Cap'n Crunch) to his favorite track on the new album.
RT @Timberflake27 Mr. Jay z what's your favorite cereal? [cap'n crunch growing up. I haven't had cereal in a bit #factsonly]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @BLAZNBEAUTY I wonder why Jay Z actually responding to tweets? [great question..I don't have a great response #factsonly]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @TylerBritter Do you still have 99 problems or have they all been sorted? [ #newrules new problems]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @tiffbump So Jay-Z is just laying on a plush baby seal rug scrolling through these tweets, huh? It's Alpaca #mylaugh or is it #factsonly
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
@Timberflake27 Mr. Jay z what's your favorite cereal? [cap'n crunch growing up. I haven't had cereal in a bit #factsonly] crunch berries tho
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @GRAC3KiM [This is why you don't get tattoos. They told me it was Japanese #mylaugh]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @Beyonce_Miami Do you think MCHG is your best work? [Hard to beat RD,BP1,TBA. it can fight for 4th #factsonly]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @brownguyyo Did you eventually get a picasso? #MCHG @S_C_ [no..my birthday is DEC 4 though]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @Verneeee Gotta troll Jay-Z till he replies and I faint. [I suggest a well placed pillow for impact]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @azizansari For real, what's your favorite pasta you've had in 2013? [see: Linguine and clam, but, you knew that!]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @KuntyeWest What's your favorite Britney Spears song @S_C_[Toxic.. jamming my G]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @AsifNYC What's it like working with Nas on a track? #mchg [we had a great time in the studio. I'll release the footage.]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @xcxarlos_sc What song was the most fun recording? #MCHG [BBC #factsonly]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @sIowdowns @moonrauhlker What's your favourite Michael Jackson song? #MCHG @S_C_" [Human Nature, Prince Dorothy Parker]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @geespin Ask @S_C_ about his Cowboys I bet he won't answer tho…..lol [Blue is a Giants fan I broke the cycle]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @ianmcfrazer I think Jay-Z's greatest strength is his humility.[Wrong it's my genius. Wait, did I not get the sarcasm?]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @Obi_Wan_Robio Outside of rap what artists or albums are you currently listening to? [James Blake and some Gonj..I can't spell it, so]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @Princess_Pink27 @S_C_ if you could travel back in time, which historical figure would you want to spend a day with? #MCHG [Picasso Baby]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013
RT @chakaworks @s_c_ do you think twerking should replace the electric slide at weddings? [Personally???YES.. Miley is a GOD]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013