Miley Cyrus on 'Saturday Night Live': Her Top 5 Moments - ABC News

Miley Cyrus on 'Saturday Night Live': Her Top 5 Moments

(Photo Credit: NBC)

Going into her highly-anticipated hosting gig on "Saturday Night Live," Miley Cyrus, 20, didn't waste any time addressing what both her lovers and haters wanted to hear.

From the opening scene, which claimed a future post-apocalyptic America was doomed because of her VMAs performance, to a parody of "We Can't Stop" about the government shutdown - the "Bangerz" singer had fun with all the publicity surrounding her recent behavior. The consensus after was that she toned it down a bit, wasn't afraid to poke fun at her own expense and really held her own on stage. Here are her top five moments from Saturday night:

Read: Miley Cyrus on 'SNL' - The Live Live Blog

  1. RIP Hannah Montana - She didn't beat around the bush during her monologue. "There's a few subjects we're not going to get into tonight," Cyrus said. "I'm not going to do Hannah Montana, but I can give you an update on what she's been up to - she's been murdered." If there was any doubt, it has been confirmed from the singer herself.
  2. No More Twerking? - During her monologue, Cyrus said said: "There will be no twerking tonight. I used to think twerking was cool, but now that white people do it, it's lame." Looks like Cyrus has moved on from the dance craze that brought her so much attention.
  3. "We Did Stop" - Cyrus, taking on the role of Michele Bachmann, and 'SNL' cast member Taran Killam playing John Boehner were hilarious as they spoofed "We Can't Stop" with "We Did Stop" about the government shutdown still going on. "This is our house, This is our rules, And we did stop (the government)," Cyrus sang. "If you're all ready for healthcare, can I get a hell no, because we're gonna keep it shutdown."
  4. Her Performances - Cyrus made it all about the music when she hit the stage twice Saturday night to perform "Wrecking Ball" and "We Can't Stop." During "Wrecking Ball," she wore actual clothes - an oversized black jersey, and she also did a great acoustic version of "We Can't Stop," wearing a white hoodie.
  5. Miley Destroyed The Country - The show opened with a look at New York City in 2045 with the city in ruins. Kenan Thompson explained that the country was destroyed by Cyrus's VMAs performance. Then a flashback plays to right before the VMAs, where a Miley from two years ago, played by Vanessa Bayer, comes to warn current Miley, played by Miley. "I came to warn you that your VMA performance may be too controversial," Bayer said to Cyrus. Cyrus, taken aback by seeing herself, even joked about her admitted smoking of marijuana. "This is so weird, I think I'm hallucinating, I must have smoked too much … cigarettes," she said, as she smiles to the camera. A fake Robin Thicke and Will Smith also stop by.

Related: Miley Cyrus on Having Fun Without Repercussions