Paralympian Josh Sundquist Dresses to Impress for Halloween

Josh Sundquist is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, Paralympian and a notably creative Halloween costume designer.

Sundquist, who lost his left leg to a rare form of bone cancer as a kid, turned his disability into a Halloween bonus, creating a flamingo costume that features him dressed in pink spandex hanging upside down on his pink-painted crutches with a flamingo beak on his right foot.

Sundquist posted a photo of his flamingo costume to his Twitter account this week, along with a recap of his most recent, amazing Halloween costumes.

Sundquist has dressed in costume for the past three years as the leg lamp from "A Christmas Story," a pirate and a partially eaten Gingerbread man, respectively.

"For me, as a nine year old, I never dreamed that my amputation was going to lead to Halloween costumes that would amuse millions of people around the world," Sundquist says in a video posted on his personal website. "But if I'm stuck having one leg anyway, which I am, then it's pretty cool that that negative circumstance has allowed me the opportunity to make people laugh with funny pictures on the Internet."

Sundquist, who has not responded to's request for comment, is the only person in history to have been named to both the U.S. Paralympic Ski Team and the U.S. Amputee Soccer Team, according to his website.

He took up ski-racing at age 16, three years after being declared cured of a rare form of bone cancer. After being diagnosed at 9, Sundquist was given only a 50-percent chance of living, according to his website.

Sundquist now lives in Washington, D.C., and travels the country as a motivational speaker. He is also the author of his best-selling memoir, "Just Don't Fall."
