Ellen DeGeneres on 'Delicate Balance' of Hosting Academy Awards

Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres is gearing up for one of the biggest gigs of her life: hosting the Academy Awards on Sunday.

It's her second time taking center stage at the Oscars, and in an interview with "Good Morning America" co-host Robin Roberts, DeGeneres, 56, talked about how rehearsals were going just days before the big event.

"I had things written months ago that I thought for sure I liked and was going to keep. And I've gotten rid of them. And I have new things, and then I'm sure I'll get rid of those. And I'm sure I'll be writing up until that morning," she said. "I'm now working on what I'm doing throughout the whole show, because I'll be in the audience a lot and playing with people a lot. So there's going to be a lot of playing with people in the audience all throughout the show."

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Putting people at ease is a natural part of the way DeGeneres works.

"It's just never been my humor to ever get a laugh at someone else's expense," she said.

"So there's never going to be a mean joke or anybody's going to get hurt … no matter how funny a joke if even if I think of a joke, because it's not like I'm, you know, an angel, you know," she said, laughing. "But it's important for me to relax everybody because there's so much anxiety in the room."

Asked what her goal was for her performance, she said: "I should be good enough that people talk the next day and go, 'She was great.' But I shouldn't stand out enough that it overshadows anything. It's a very delicate balance of being a good host. … You know, there's no other reason to do it unless I'm going to do better than I did last time and better than you see me on my show."

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In part one of the interview, which aired on "GMA" on Thursday, DeGeneres said she just wanted people to understand what she has set out to do.

"My intentions are to make people happy," she said, "and my intentions are to never hurt anybody, and my intentions are to have compassion and to hope I can spread that a little bit every single day."

Andrew Eccles/ABC