Aaron Paul Spent Boozy Weekend with Michael Jackson in a Castle

It was a weekend that sounded like the alcohol-soaked version of the Mad Hatter's tea party, but it actually happened to actor Aaron Paul - or so he insists.

In an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Paul rehashed the time he was invited by a buddy as a "plus one" to the Prince of Brunei's birthday party in a castle outside of London. What ensued was a farcical series of events involving Michael Jackson, farm animals and plenty of tequila.

Paul told Kimmel on Thursday night that despite not formally being invited to the party, the Prince of Brunei instantly recognized the Breaking Bad actor from one of his early movies, "Whatever It Takes," and took a shine to him.

Then, the pair "just ran around and played with the sheep," Paul said.

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After all the sheep chasing, Paul later popped downstairs for an hour-long deep-and-meaningful with the prince and his other castle guest, Michael Jackson.

Paul, Jackson and a few others "got pretty drunk that night," in the library, Paul said. "We did shots of tequila."

Aaron Paul appears on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," March 6, 2014. Credit: Randy Holmes/ABC

Despite finding himself in this spectacularly bizarre situation, Paul seemed fixated with Jackson's brand new shirt, which he said still had a "M for medium" sticker on it.

"I just wanted to take it off so bad, but no one wanted to bring it up," Paul said.

Though Paul never saw Jackson again, the experience was the start of a beautiful friendship between Paul and the prince, who later invited him to spend a month in his Brunei palace, replete with zoo and helipad.