Grab It! ‘The Chew’ and ‘GMA’ Grab-Bag Cooking Challenge

The folks from “The Chew” came back for a cooking countdown this morning. It was the first time we tried the “grab bag challenge” — each team had just five minutes to whip up a meal with mystery ingredients.

(Credit: Donna Svennevik/ABC)

Each team was given a grocery bag of food with no prior warning about the contents (that made the bag of Cheetos our producers threw in a real curveball!). What you couldn’t see during the commercial break beforehand was that both teams were trying to peek inside the bags to see what they had to work with to plot out their strategy.

Michael led “Team George” with Daphne and George as his sous chefs. Carla spearheaded the prep for “Team Robin” with Clinton and Robin assisting.

Team George whipped up little sandwiches with firm tofu and ham steak and a cucumber-apple slaw on the side topped with crumbled Cheetos (for a little crunch… they had to find a way to use them). Team Robin raced to make stuffed French toast from brioche bread with a little egg on top. That entry almost didn’t quite plated in time.  In the end, our volunteer viewer judge crowned the sandwich as the winner.

Check it out: