Nov. 24: D.B. Cooper Hijacks Plane

Image credit: FBI/AP Photo

On this day in 1971, an unassuming man wearing a business suit who appeared to be in his mid-40s hijacked and threatened to blow up a Northwest Orient Airlines plane traveling from Portland, Ore., to Seattle if he did not get four parachutes and a $200,000 ransom.

When the plane landed in Seattle, the suspect, known only as Dan Cooper or D.B. Cooper, allowed the passengers and two flight attendants to get off the plane, and the officials handed over the money, in $20 bills, and the parachutes.

This August, a woman reignited the 40-year-old cold case when she claimed her uncle, Lynn Doyle Cooper, was the infamous skyjacker.

1963: Lee Harvey Oswald Shot

Two days after assassinating JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald is shot and killed by Jack Ruby.

1996: Ethiopian Flight Hijacked

Hijackers force plane to crash into the Indian Ocean after running out of fuel.

Famous Birthdays

1784 Zachary Taylor

1946 Ted Bundy

1961 Arundhati Roy

1978 Katherine Heigl

1990 Sarah Hyland