'Nightline' Daily Line, April 11: George Zimmerman Charged

10:43 p.m. ET: Tonight on the show… a new online scam that targets people buying drugs online… and criminals who impersonate DEA agents to scare people into giving them cash. Plus, the charges in the Trayvon Martin case… and a man who took the health advice of doctors .. and did all of it at the same time.

9:25 p.m. ET: George Zimmerman's mugshot released

Credit: Seminole County Justice Center

8:47 p.m. ET: Careercast.com's best and worst jobs list came out for 2012… Software engineer, HR manager, and (intriguingly) Actuary tops the list of best jobs. Among the worst? Lumberjack… soldier… and waitress. Read it here.

7:05 p.m. ET: Hug for Coke? Forbes.com reports that this specialized Coke vending machine was installed at the National University of Singapore. It looks like a regular machine, with the Coke logo that says "Hug Me" instead of "Coca-Cola." You have to squeeze the sides of the machine a certain way to get your Coke reward. Watch the video:

6:14 p.m.ET: Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey announces that George Zimmerman will be charged with second degree murder and that "Mr. Zimmerman has turned himself in," but would not say where he was being held in custody for his protection. READ MORE here.

4:14 p.m. ET: The 911 call regarding Whitney Houston's death was released today. ABCNews.com Sheila Marikar reports that the tape reveals Houston "wasn't breathing" from the moment she was found in the bathroom of her hotel room at the Beverly Hills Hilton.

Credit: Credit: David Tonnessen/Ben Dome/Pacific Coast News

3:17 p.m. ET: ABC's Matt Gutman tweets:

2:50 p.m. ET: A Florida special prosecutor has decided to charge neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman in the shooting death of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin, sources told ABC News. Read the latest HERE

1:45 p.m. ET: Did Alec Baldwin reveal a "30 Rock" spoiler? Alec Baldwin, the "30 Rock" star who has become infamous for using Twitter as a sounding off board, lashed out at NBC today in the wake of the media coverage of his alleged stalker's arrest. First he tweeted angrily about the media camping out in front of his apartment.

"The television crew camped out outside my apt said they were from the Today Show. #howthemightyhavefallen," Baldwin wrote.

And then, "A story about stalkers brings out stalkers in the media. But, the Today Show?"

Then he followed it up with,  "I think I'm leaving NBC just in time."

Hmm… only time will tell (if)/how Jack Donaghy will make his witty exit.

Credit: Jim Spellman/Getty Images

12:22 p.m. ET: The U.S. government filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple Inc. and book publishers Wednesday, saying the publishers conspired with Apple to raise retail electronic-book prices to limit competition, the Associated Press reported.

12:07 p.m. ET: Pork. It's what's for dessert. At Burger King.  FoodBeast.com reports that Burger King is starting to test their latest creation, a bacon sundae. It looks just like a regular sundae, but it has a strip of bacon stuck in it. MmMm. Would you try it?

10:22 a.m. ET: Remember "Ridiculously Photogenic Guy," whose beaming face launched a web meme almost as popular as "Texts From Hillary" (almost)?

Credit: quickmeme.com

Ah yes, now you remember that guy. Surprise, surprise,  Zeddie "Watkins" Little told "Good Morning America" this morning that his rapid rise to fame was a "fluke." The 25-year-old was just an anonymous guy running a 10-K road race in Charleston, S.C., when the spectator snapped the picture of him on March 31 and posted it on the Internet sharing board Reddit.

Sorry ladies, Watkins says he is taken.

8:35 a.m. ET: ABC News learned overnight that a massive 8.6 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia, triggering a small Indian Ocean tsunami that alarmed people throughout the region, but caused little damage. ABC News' Akiko Fujita covered this for us.

Credit: ABC News