'Nightline' Daily Line, May 15: Billy Bob Thornton's Revealing Interview

9:45 p.m. ET: Tonight, a story drawn straight from the Alanis Morissette textbook of irony: "Man Dies Hours After Pulling Himself Out Of The Water"- from a rare condition called delayed drowning.

7:33 p.m. ET: Even further developments on Brian Ross' F-22 investigation-

"Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has demanded the Air Force take measures to make America's most expensive fighter plane, the F-22 Raptor, safer for its pilots in light of an ongoing, potentially deadly problem with the plane's oxygen system, a Pentagon spokesperson said today.

As a recent ABC News investigation found , for more than four years pilots for the F-22 Raptor have reported at least 25 incidents of experiencing "hypoxia-like symptoms" while at the controls of the $420 million-plus-a-pop jet. Hypoxia is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain and is characterized by dizziness, confusion and disorientation."

7:01 p.m. ET:  Some new developments in the F-22 fighter pilot investigation-

"Several more pilots have come forward to say they too are concerned about the oxygen problems plaguing America's most expensive fighter jet,  the F-22 Raptor, according to lawmakers.

On the same day that the Pentagon announced the Air Force had been directed by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to  add new safety measures to F-22 missions, U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (D.-Va.) and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R.-Ill.) told reporters that a total of nine people involved in the F-22 program, a majority of them pilots, have now contacted them directly about the troubled plane. Kinzinger was on hand when two F-22 pilots, Josh Wilson and Jeremy Gordon,  spoke out about their fears flying the F-22 in a  CBS News' "60 Minutes" interview earlier this month."

Read more here. 

6:21 p.m. ET: It's not getting hot in here, it's been hot in here. For months.

The L.A. Times notes NOAA announced today that the United States has had the warmest 12 months on record. From May 2011 to April 2012, the agency reported that the average temperature was 55.7 degrees, 2.8 degrees higher than the 20th century average.

5:23 p.m. ET: ABC's Matt Gutman tweets:

4:58 p.m. ET: Columbia Records announced that the band Walk Off the Earth's popular YouTube cover of Gotye's hypnotic single, "Somebody That I Used to Know," has passed 100 million views (it's up to 107 million at last check in).

In the video, the five band members play one guitar and take turns singing the song. Many other parody videos have surfaced since its release, some with millions of views on their own.

Why is Gotye's smash hit bringing other unknown artists who cover the song wild success? What is it about his haunting lyrics? "Nightline" tried to find that out. Watch what happens:

3:01 p.m. ET: Talk about family feud… Republican Mark Schimel, who decided to challenge his estranged wife, Democrat Michelle Schimel, for the assembly seat in New York she has held for three terms, has officially dropped out of the race.

That has to make for some awkward dinner conversation. Read more HERE.

Credit: Facebook/nassaucountyny.gov

12:48 p.m. ET: Ever wonder what happens to your email message after you hit send? Or maybe you've never thought about it before, but might be surprised to learn the process is more complex than you think.

ABCNews.com tech editor Joanna Stern gives a rundown of Google's new Story of Send website, which explains how its mail system - Gmail - delivers your messages.

Credit: Google

10:40 a.m. ET: ABC's Juju Chang sat down with Billy Bob Thornton, who opened up about growing up in Arkansas, the real-life colorful characters that wormed their way into his screenplays and music, struggling with ADD and dyslexia and his relationship with Angelina Jolie.

"I blew it because I didn't think I was good enough for her," Thornton told "Nightline" of his marriage to Jolie. "She has one way she wanted to live her life and I had another way to live mine and I was just too insecure."

Read more HERE.

Credit: ABC News

9:45 a.m. ET: Researchers at Stanford University released a surprising study yesterday about sleepwalking, saying that about 8.5 million Americans walk in their sleep. About 3.6 percent do it more than once in a year's time.

Aside from the obvious dangers of running into something or falling down stairs while sleeping, some people have been known to exhibit other bizarre behavior, including punching and binge eating. Watch "Nightline" anchor Terry Moran's report here: