'Nightline' Daily Line, June 27: Farewell to Nora Ephron

11:02 p.m. ET: In a bizarre twist on the recent cannibal cases involving synthetic drugs, a Texas man is charged with killing and eating a dog after smoking "spice," a synthetic form of marijuana.

10:34 p.m. ET: U.S. health regulators approved the first new weight-loss drug in 13 years, allowing Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc to bring its Belviq pill to market as public health advocates push for new solutions to the nation's growing obesity epidemic, reports Reuters.

The drug is approved for adults with a Body Mass Index of 30 or a BMI of 27 and at least one weight-related health condition, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol.

Read the full story HERE

9:02 p.m. ET: The brother of con man Bernie Madoff will plead guilty Friday morning to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and falsifying records for his alleged role in his brother's multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme, prosecutors said Wednesday, and will serve 10 years in federal prison.

Courtesy of ABC News

Peter Madoff, once the chief compliance officer of Bernie Madoff's investment firm, will be the first member of the Madoff family other than Bernie to be charged in connection with the case.

7:27 p.m. ET: Charlie Sheen is a man who speaks his mind, makes no excuses and gives few apologies.

Credit: ABC News

In a recent interview with "Nightline," the 46-year-old actor, who became famous for bad-mouthing almost everyone in his wake, talked about his checkered past with blatant honesty.

"I don't walk around with a ton of guilt," he said. "I don't walk around with a ton of shame. I don't think it really serves in any way, you know, makes anything better."

Read the full story HERE and tune into "Nightline" tonight to see the full interview.

6:33 p.m. ET: "Nightline" anchor Cynthia was friends with Nora Ephron for 25 years and reflected on their friendship.

Credit: Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post/Getty Images

"People have asked all day, 'What was she really like?' Well, what she was really like is like no other. She was a woman who talked with knowledge and insight about such a wide range of topics you had to pay attention not to be left in the dust. She loved to talk about politics and trials and once in a while, Hollywood. She loved to gossip. She loved beauty products and shoes and anything having to do with good food. And just for the record, it seemed to me she remembered everything, unlike her claim in print," she wrote of Ephron.

Read Cynthia's full reflection on Nora Ephron HERE.

4:51 p.m. ET: Google unveiled their newest Android products, including the Nexus 7 Tablet, a new $199 Android tablet built in partnership with Asus to run the latest version of Google's operating system, Android 4.1 or Jelly Bean.

The coolest new feature? Google Now. Check it out HERE.

Credit: AP Photo

3:33 p.m. ET: Do you believe in UFOs? If so, you may be in better company than you think.

Credit: Getty Images

Thirty-six percent of Americans - about 80 million people if the survey applied to the whole country - believe UFOs exist, and a tenth believe they have spotted one, a new National Geographic poll shows.

Read the full story HERE.

1:02 p.m. ET: A western wildfire being fueled by strong winds and scorching temperatures has burned past firefighters' defenses and is menacing the city of Colorado Springs. Firefighters battling the out of control blaze, which has grown to more than 15,000 acres, say they are bracing for worsening conditions.

Read the full story HERE.

Credit: AP Photo

10:42 p.m. ET: The Supreme Court is expected to make a landmark ruling Thursday on whether the current health care law that includes the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

According to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, just 36 percent of participants expressed a favorable opinion of the health care law.

Read more HERE.

Credit: AP Photo

9:35 a.m. ET: "Women, on the other hand, want to be friends with men because they think 'if I could just understand them, maybe it wouldn't be so hard.'" -Nora Ephron

Credit: Getty Images

Nora Ephron, the writer, producer and director of such American film classics as "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle," died yesterday. She was 71.

"Nightline" paid tribute to this brilliant woman who gave a new generation of women a strong voice. Watch our report here: