'Nightline' Daily Line, Sept. 19: Romney Weathering the Storm

5:18 p.m. ET: "Showtime" Eric Young puts a whole new spin on extreme fishing:

Credit: Animal Planet

Find out why HERE

3:33 p.m. ET: The 9-year old daughter of Dennis Hopper, Galen Hopper, is expected to receive about 40 percent of the late actor's estate, according to his attorney, which at least one report estimates at $2.85 million.

That's a lot of My Little Ponies.

Read the full story HERE

Credit: John Shearer/Getty Images

1:02 p.m. ET: From world-class sporting scandals in baseball and on the track, performance-enhancing drugs seem to have found a new playing field - the office.

Whether it's in police departments or Fortune 500 companies, testosterone is being called "Viagra for the boardroom."

Read the full story HERE

12:08 p.m. ET: DEVELOPING: Images of the Prophet Mohammed are forbidden in Islam, but in the French satirical weekly newspaper "Charlie Hebdo" he is not only shown, he is depicted in lewd and deliberately provocative sexual positions.

Read ABC's Jeffery Kofman's full report HERE

10:20 a.m. ET: This is easily the worst one-week period Mitt Romney's campaign has experienced so far in the general election.

Credit: AP Photo

The leaked hidden-camera videos of Romney at a private fundraiser in May have launched a thousand complaints - from liberals seeking to exploit the Republican candidate's comments to conservatives worried about whether the Romney campaign can weather this storm.

Read ABC News' Political Unit's Michael Falcone and Amy Walter's analysis HERE

The question remains, who leaked the video? ABC's Brian Ross investigated for "Nightline":

9:50 a.m. ET: "Nightline" anchor Cynthia McFadden tweets: