'Nightline' Daily Line, Dec. 13: Rolling Stones Exclusive

5:10 p..m. ET: ABC's Mary Bruce reports that House Speacker John Boehner arrives at the White House for his meeting with President Obama, their first face-to-face encounter since Sunday.

4:04 p.m. ET: BREAKING: UN Ambassador Susan Rice has withdrawn her name from consideration for Secretary of State, saying the criticism surrounding her comments on Benghazi had become an "irresponsible distraction."

Read the full story HERE

Credit: Evan Vucci/AP Photo

3:47 p.m. ET: NIGHTLINE EXCLUSIVE: "Nightline" anchor Bill Weir talks with Rolling Stones' Keith Richards. The Stones sat down for an exclusive interview with "Nightline" while on their "50 and Counting" tour.

Read Bill's story HERE

aaannndddd get a sneak peek HERE:

and HERE:

Credit: Meredith Frost/ABC NEWS

3:35 p.m. ET: ABC News' senior White House correspondent Jake Tapper tweets:

1:50 p.m. ET: ABC News PR announces that "Nightline" is No. 1 in Total Viewers, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49. Read more HERE

11:40 a.m. ET: John McAfee's month-long international run from police through two Central American nations ended with a flight to Miami, where the businessman who says he abandoned his fortune admitted to playing the "crazy card."

Read the latest HERE

10:11 a.m. ET: Are you superstitious? ABC's Nick Watt talked to people yesterday used 12-12-12 to buy lotto tickets, have babies and get hitched.