Instant Index: Pope Francis Missionary to the Poor

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring, to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex or email us at and they could appear on World News.

'Sharknado' to Return

For TV fans who might have read about "Sharknado," Syfy's original movie, after it took over Twitter Thursday night, but didn't get a chance to see the film, a rep from the network has confirmed to ABC News that it will rerun the movie Thursday at 7 p.m. EST. Want more? Go here and here .

Pope Francis for 'Humble Cars'

Pope Francis has turned his focus on priests and nuns who drive fancy cars, calling on his clergy to drive "humble cars," according to The Associated Press. He reportedly walked through the Vatican garage and then urged clergy to sell the vehicles and donate the monies to the poor. Francis, who used public transportation when he was cardinal, also asked that a life-size statue of him in his Argentine hometown be taken down.

Human Picture Train

When journalist Richard Deitsch saw a picture of three brothers embracing after a big hockey game win, he came up with an idea. He posted a question on Twitter: "How many of you have a photograph of the single best moment of your life?" So far, hundreds of images - a girl and her new baby brother; a soldier's homecoming - have poured in. Be a part of the fun.