Instant Index: American Tourist Snaps Pinky Off Statue

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex or email us at and they could appear on World News.

American Tourist Snaps Pinky Off Statue Here's a tip for tourists: Keep your fingers to yourself. A U.S. tourist accidentally snapped the pinky off a priceless, 600-year-old marble statue of the Virgin Mary at a Florence, Italy museum. He said he was measuring his fingers against the hand but the museum is outraged.

(Courtesy Opera del Duomo/Umberto Visintini)

Bowler Just Misses Perfect Game The perfect game of 300 - 12 strikes in a row - is any bowler's dream. Troy Walker was heading for victory at a bowling tournament in Houston, when the reset barrier came down, blocking his perfect last shot. It turned out that he'd hit the wrong button when he picked up his ball. He was allowed to go again but he ended up with a 297.

Escape Artist's Dramatic Stunt Escape artist Anthony Martin doesn't mess around when it comes to his stunts. He was pushed out of an airplane today - while in a locked box, handcuffs and chains - and spent the first 7,000 feet picking the locks. During the next 7,000 feet, he got ready to open his parachute. He's been practicing escapes since he was 10 but he doesn't get nervous. He says: "It's just business."