Instant Index: 4-Year-Old Orca Saved by Locals in Canada

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex or email us at and they could appear on World News.

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Princess Diana's Death Emerge Again The eternal conspiracy theories surrounding Princess Diana's death are surging once more. Scotland Yard is examining again the fatal car crash that took Diana's life 16 years ago, prompted by explosive new claims that Diana was murdered by the British SAS. But today, it sparked a fury, critics calling this latest twist "a mystifying stunt" based on "nonsense evidence" and the British agent making the claims a "loose cannon."

(Tim Graham/Getty Images)

Trapped 4-Year-Old Orca Misses Mom A 4-year-old orca whale was caught on video trapped in a shallow bay, separated from his family. For days he circled and chased fish until locals heard a mysterious sound. Experts say that the tiny killer whale was crying out for his mom. Orcas maintain close bonds with their mother their entire lives. Rescuers tried to coax him out of the bay by playing a recording of a mother whale cry. Later, they guided him out into deeper waters where the little guy reunited with a pod of whales.

'Play to Win' Mentality Begins at Age 4, Scientists Say Scientists now say they have figured out the age at which our smack-down instincts kick in and it's 4 years old. That's when our brains become hard wired to play to win at any cost. For children younger than 4, beating someone at a game doesn't compute. The results are out today in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.