Instant Index: Kristen Chenoweth's Magical Duet With a Fan

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex or email us at and they could appear on World News.

Kristen Chenoweth's Magical Duet With a Fan It was a magical night at the Hollywood Bowl for a new viral singing star. Sarah Horn was watching her idol Kristen Chenoweth on stage when the star came into the crowd and asked whether she knew the words to a song from "Wicked." Being a voice teacher, Horn knew them all. In front of 10,000 people, she took her cue and did a dream duet with Chenoweth. The actress was so blown away by Horn's voice and harmony, she told the audience: "Remind me to never pick someone who sings better than I do."


Gnome Homes Pop Up in Kansas Park There's a mystery in Kansas that has children enchanted. Little "gnome houses" made out of trees have been popping up in one park with pathways and little doors. Inside there's even little tables and place settings. Three of them have been discovered so far. The park staff says they've never seen the gnomes but say the surprise tree homes they leave behind are a big hit.

Scientists Demonstrate Mind Control for the First Time Scientists at the University of Washington say for the first time they have demonstrated mind control. Two men with electrodes hooked up through the Internet were able to send one another brain instructions. On one side of the campus, the man simply thought about moving the other guy's right index finger and his finger actually hit the keyboard spacebar. It's proof, they say, of a new era of connection.