Instant Index: 'Baywatch' Cast Reveals Weight Clause

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex or email us at and they could appear on World News.

'Baywatch' Cast Reveal s Weight Clause The bathing beauties of "Baywatch" revealed they each had written into their contract a clause saying they could not lose or gain more than 5 pounds. If they did, they'd be in trouble.

(Getty Images)

Seal Uses Shark's Snout to Stay Alive In the waters off South Africa, a great white shark stalked a seal from below but the clever survivor simply rode on its nose. It teetering just close to the shark's giant mouth and then used the snout as a kind of diving board to sprint away safely.

And the Most Overused Songs in Film Are… How many songs do you hear so often that it makes you want to run? created a list of the 20 most overused songs in film and television including "Saturday Night Fever," "Bad to the Bone" and "Sweet Home Alabama."