Instant Index: Pet Kangaroo on the Loose in Texas

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A 150-Year-Old Apology The Patriot-News in Central Pennsylvania printed a retraction, telling readers it had made a mistake way back in 1863 when it called the famous Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Lincoln, "silly."

Pint-Sized Star What Taranza McKelvin lacks in height, he definitely makes up for in confidence. The 5-year-old is the newest drum major for a high school band in South Florida and leads students three times his age. His passion for band competitions started when he saw one on YouTube. His parents let him start band camp at 4 - and the rest, well, is a celebration.

Odd Sight in West Texas Residents were rubbing their eyes in West Texas recently - and 911 calls were flooding in - when a pet kangaroo was spotted hopping down a highway. It was eventually lured back to safety by a treat from his owner.